Thursday, October 23, 2014

Can Tesla Build 'em Like Hamtramck?

Tesla gets a lot of press for their electric vehicles, but are they really a car company?

Before we get too carried away with this company, let's consider what Tesla has not yet done:

  • Has not built autos at the rate of hundreds per hour, 24 hours a day.
  • Has not yet defended itself against any wrongful death lawsuits from users of their products.
  • Has not managed a federally-mandated safety recall of its vehicles.
  • Has not established a clear parts and repairs implementation model.
  • Has not yet addressed a significant warranty claims program.
  • Has not responded to and recovered from a sudden, unexpected drops in car sales.
  • Has not met my finicky neighbor, Ed 'Stay Out of My Yard' Postelwhaite.

In short, Tesla is not really in the car business yet. 

Building cars on an assembly stand in NASCAR fashion certainly offers a charmed existence for a manufacturer but that is hardly a way to service market demand that looms large in the near future. 

Dealing with the 360 degree customer experience requires factories; not guildhouses as Tesla will soon find out.

#tesla   #electriccars   #warranty   #autoparts  #autoservice   #guilds   #manufacturing   #automobile 

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