Monday, October 20, 2014

Forrest Gumping OneNote

I have been to a number of rodeos in this IT business over the years and most of them weren't very pretty or particularly useful over time. Or, liking OneNote a lot!

Yes, necessity is the mother of invention and I tilted at my share of windmills trying to make software tools work in ways never intended.  No, Lotus Symphony 2.0 didn't turn me into an early road warrior as I had dreamed it would. And Lotus Notes could have been the killer app had the internet not come around.

After ten years in the Mac world, I moved back to Windows and discovered a different Microsoft than I remembered and OneNote.

I decided to give OneNote a real try and set up a Notebook for syncing. Expectations were low but I soon became the information age equivalent ofHoarders meets Extreme Couponing.  Clipping, copying, linking and syncing! I was doing it all on multiple devices.

During my Mac adventure, I recall no face-clamping wow moment over any tool I discovered there. MS Office for Mac was, well, MS Office.

But, here is OneNote offering to become the portal for virtually every facet of my business endeavors. Unstructured data and information goes in for consideration and organization and is immediately available to all the team members, wherever they are located. I was sold.

It’s not often that I go to the rodeo and actually like what I find. Borrowing from Forrest Gump, life is a bunch of corn dogs and you pick the tool that works!

#onenote   #microsoft   #lotusnotes   #lotussymphony  #forrestgump  

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