Thursday, October 2, 2014

Apple: Chipped and Shopworn?

This has been a rough couple of weeks for Apple with iCloud security breaches, bend it like Gumby iPhones,it's now a brick iPhones, tax woes with the European Union- oh, where does it end?

As a kid, I went to a carnival once prepared to denounce my citizenship in Mrs. Smith's fourth grade class to become a roustabout.

I was really smitten with the lights, polished brass, the unusual people and that sense of excitement surrounding the whole carnival adventure. I was ready to set out on a new career.

I arrived just ahead of opening time and sneaked in somehow. The place was still quiet as I threaded my way through the maze of motionless rides and shuttered sideshows looking for the boss's office. 

Padding quietly, I began to notice that the folks who were so interesting the night before were pretty average looking in the daylight. And, the vivid colors that shimmered in the wake of flashing colored lights at night were pretty much dirty, chipped and shopworn.

I never made it to the boss's office that day. But I left with a stronger sense of how reality can be subverted- even distorted- into something it is not.

We may have arrived at daylight for a slightly chipped and somewhat shopworn Apple.

#apple   #iphone6   #iphonebending

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